Kanistha Dhankar was crowned Pentaloon Femina Miss India 2011 on Thursday April 14th 2011 in a contest held in Mumbai. Kanistha was awared the title in a glittering event which included performances by Hard kaur ,sunidhi chauhan ,sonakshi sinha ,Malika arora. Kanistha the 22 year old girl is a model by profession and a student of H.R. college in Mumbai. Kanistha born in Mumbai is from a Defence background ,her father Raj singh Dhankar is an officer in Indian Navy while her Mother kusum is a lecturer in Delhi. She weighs 55 kgs and with vital statistics of 32-25-36 and has height of 5'9.5".
She was asked the question during question answer round that 'There's lot that children can learn from there mothers ,what can mothers learn from there children?